Communique: ABC ‘Tell The Truth About Palestine’ – Building covered in paint


Issued by Concerned Community Members to the ABC.

22nd December 2023


You have blood on your hands. Your support of “Israel’s” propaganda campaign is unethical, cowardly, and violent. At least 99 journalists have been massacred by the “Israeli” Occupation Forces since October 7th, including one of your own journalists, Roshdi Sarraj. We condemn your suppression of the truth and the firing of employees upholding journalistic integrity. This is not a conflict or a war. This is a genocide against the Palestinian people that has been born out of 75+ years of inhumane occupation, violence, massacres and forceful displacement. We will never forget your propaganda, lies and silence as over 20,000 innocent Palestinians, including 9,000 children, are brutally murdered.

This makes you complicit in genocide and we condemn your shameful ‘coverage’ of Gaza as over 23,000 tonnes of explosives are deployed in Gaza targeting hospitals, churches, mosques, ambulances, aid trucks, schools, refugee camps, and civilian homes. We encourage other concerned citizens to stand strong in their resistance, and continue exposing media outlets such as 9 News, The Age, 7 News, Sky News and the ABC for their biased coverage. The dehumanization of Palestinians and the villainization of the Palestinian resistance is transparent in its attempts to justify genocide. This racism and Islamophobia must end.

We will not forget those martyred for exposing the truth, remember their names; Roshdi Sarraj, Mohammad Al-Salhi, Mohammad Jarghoun, Ibrahim Mohammad Lafi, Asaad Shamlakh, Hishan Alnwajha, Mohammed Sobh, Saeed, Al-Taweel, Mohamed Fayez Abu Matar, Ahmed Shehab, Husam Mubarak, Salam Mema, Youssef Maher Youssef Dawas, Abdulhadi Habib, Issam Bhar, Mohammad Balousha, Sameeh Al-Nady, Khalil Inrahim, Ali Abu Adra, Mohammed Abu Ali, Hani Madhourn, Mohammed Imad Labad, Salma Hamada Misbah Mkhaimer, Ahmed Abu Mhadi, Saed Samir Mahmoud Al-Halabi, Jamal Al-Faqaawi, Zaher Al-Afgani, Duaa Sharaf, Yasser Abu Namous, Nazmi Al-Nadim, Majed Arandas, Muhammas Abu Hatab, Mohamad Al-Bayyari, Haitham Harara, Mohamed Abu Hassira, Yahya Abu Manih, Ahmed Al-Qara, Yaacoub Al-Barsh, Ahmed Fatima, Mossab Ashour, Amro Salah Abu Hayah, Mostafa El Sawaf, Hassouneh Salim, Sari Mansour, Abdelhalim Awad, Belal Jadallah, Alaa Taher Al-Hassanat, Ayat Kadoura, Jamal Hanieh, Mohamed Mouin Ayyash, Mostafa Bakeer, Amal Zahed, Nader Al-Nazli, Adham Hassouna, Montaser Al-Sawaf, Marwan Al-Sawaf, Abdullah Darwish, Shaima El-Gazzar, Hassan Farajallah, Saeed Al-Shorbaji, Ala Atallah, Mohamed Abu Samra, Abdel Kareem Oudeh, Samer Abudaqa … and counting


MEDIA RELEASE: Queers Disrupt Cops at Pride – 04.02.23

A group of queer activists stormed the 2023 Midsumma Pride March on February 5 to protest
the participation of Victoria Police in the parade, as well as Midsumma’s platforming of private
security company Serco, who had a stall at the Carnival event and are responsible for the
reprehensible treatment of refugees and asylum seekers detained offshore. Though Serco were
not included in this year’s march, GEO Group, who run the Ravenhall prison, were included in
the march — trans women imprisoned there face extreme sexual violence, and deaths in
custody have been reported.

Protest participants entered the march in front of the uniformed police contingent, bearing a
banner that read ‘FUCK OFF VICPOL / cops don’t belong at pride’ and chanting slogans such
as ‘no cops at pride, don’t let it slide’, ‘Stonewall was a riot, queers will not be quiet’, and ‘no
assimilation, queer liberation’. They also hung a large banner from a tree at the end of the route,
8 metres wide, reading ‘NO COPS AT PRIDE / BE GAY DO CRYM’.

The protest was organised by CRYM (pronounced ‘crime’). CRYM stands for Climate
Radical/Resistance Youth Movement, and exists as an organising network to oppose all
systems of oppression. Though led by queer youth, they welcome people of all ages and

CRYM acted in solidarity with and were joined by queer supporters of RISE: Refugees,
Survivors, and eX-detainees. RISE, a grassroots organisation, called for a boycott of
Midsumma 2023 for the reasons above, especially the inclusion of Serco, among others.
Further details can be found in their open letter:

A CRYM spokesperson said: “Police have always been, and will continue to be, tools of state
oppression. They have thus been used to violently oppress and attack queer people, both
historically and currently, through physical and legal means. To this day, the queer community
is subject to systemic police violence, existing alongside and in collusion with classism,
sexism, racism, and colonialism. Queer history is built upon resistance to police profiling,
harassment, and brutality; acting as though they are our allies is a disgraceful act of

One participant, a trans woman of colour, reports having been assaulted by a white male
attendee, suffering a laceration and severe swelling to fingers on one hand. Other members had
eggs thrown at them, and some were assaulted by individuals attempting to tear off their face
coverings, worn for privacy and protection against potential retaliation.

A CRYM spokesperson spoke on the context of the history of Pride in Australia: “The very
first Mardi Gras took place because our predecessors were brave enough to stand against the
police that beat and arrested them. It took place in solidarity with the Stonewall riots — the
touchstone of queer history — during which queer people were brutalised by police but refused
to tolerate continued control and abuse.”

Despite meeting some negative responses, there were also many positive reactions from the
onlooking crowd. Cheers, raised fists, and echoed chants all occurred, and some participants
were approached by bystanders to thank them, to ask questions, and to hold productive
discussions. Though the livestream was diverted and taken down for a time, which obscured
reporting of this, those who were present observed such solidarity directly.

A spokesperson for CRYM is quoted as saying: “We believe that Pride should be a space for
all queer people to celebrate the perseverance of our community, and not a space open to our
oppressors. This also goes for private security company Serco, and the countless other
exploitative corporations which have bought their way into the parade; among them being
Amazon, BP, and — for some reason — Greyhound Racing Victoria. It is especially despicable
that the former companies, while respectively exploiting the working class and actively
destroying the unceded Indigenous lands on which we live, would pretend to be allies. We look
forward to a future in which we can be both proud and radical, and we aren’t going away any
time soon.”

CRYM can be contacted on for further information. Images
taken by photographer Matt Hrkac may also be made available.